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The RunCam Wasp Digital FPV Camera is another advanced video transmission camera by RunCam and fully authorized by DJI that supports a 5.8GHz digital video signal and 720p 120fps image transmission. The RunCam Wasp is designed for FPV drones and it can be used with DJI FPV Goggles, which provide digital high-definition picture and a transmission range up to 4km.
Check out all our Digital VTX/Camera Collection and the rest of our RunCam Products!
Laws and requirements regarding transmission of radio waves vary greatly across the world. In some countries, this product may not be legal. In the USA, the operator of this product is required by law to have a HAM amateur radio license, at the very least. It is the operator's responsibility to make sure that they are using this product in a legal manner, or not using it at all if not possible to do legally in their location. By adding this product to your cart, you are confirming that you have read this notice, and that Pyrodrone is in no way responsible for the actions of the operator while using this product.
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